The Effect of Parasites on the Body

From Parasites: The Uninvited Guests, Are You the Unknowing Host? By Pam Porter

Once parasites find their way inside your body, the effects are widespread and potentially quite serious. Symptoms include bloating or gas, fatigue, malnourishment, allergies, unclear thinking, weight gain or loss, and an overall unwell feeling. In most cases, it is very difficult for doctors to diagnose parasite infestation since the parasites are not only in the intestinal tract they also migrate into all other organs via the blood and the lymph glands.

There are 6 categories of Parasites:

Cestodes-Consists of the tapeworm family. Symptoms of infestation include: unclear thinking, dizziness, vitamin B12 and folic acid Deficiencies, blood sugar imbalance, poor digestion, allergies, weight loss or gain, chronic fatigue.

Nematodes-Consist of the roundworm family. Symptoms of infestation include: Teeth grinding at night, intestinal gas, allergies/asthma, snoring, abdominal pain, fatigue, restlessness, lung infections and blood sugar imbalance.

Trematodes- consist of the fluke family. Symptoms of infestation include: Jaundice, Liver swelling, general toxic or poisoned condition, pain, infections, gastrointestinal disturbances, diabetes/hypoglycemia, breathing difficulties.

Protozoan/Sporozoan- Consists of the Microscopic family. Symptoms of infestation include: Arthritis, asthma, colitis, diabetes, elevated white blood cell count, degenerative muscle diseases, Hodgkin’s disease, leukemia, lymphoma, or MS, Ovarian cysts.

Spirochetes- a spiral shaped bacterium that does not have the protozoan or sporozoan characteristics. Symptoms of infestation include: Tiredness, mild fever, muscle pain, joint pain, interrupted sleep patterns, heavy feeling in the legs, aching pains in the feet, sores and ulcers, syphilis.

How to Eradicate Parasites:

Wormwood, Black Walnut, Artemisia, Garlic oil, Clove Bud or Clove Oil

Learn the effects of parasites on the body.
Once parasites find their way inside your body, the effect are widespread and potentially quite serious. Symptoms include bloating or gas, fatigue, malnourishment, allergies, unclear thinking, weight gain or loss, and an overall unwell feeling.
In most cases, it is very difficult for doctors to diagnose parasite infestation since the parasites are not only in the intestinal tract they also migrate into all other organs via the blood and the lymph glands.
Foods to Add to your Diet
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Cranberry Juice
  • Pomegranates
  • Apples
  • Cayenne pepper

Foods to Avoid

  • Raw or undercooked Beef, Pork, Fish and Chicken
  • Sugars and Carbs
  • Mountain Water
  • Water chestnuts and watercress
  • Fruits or veggies that are unwashed in questionable water

Note: Be sure to cook all meat, poultry and fish thoroughly. Also wash all fruits and veggies before eating and cooking

The Zyto Elite can also scan for parasites and tell us if you have any and what product or combination of products will help eradicate them from your body, call today to book an appointment to try out the new machine!

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