Do You Suffer from Seasonal Allergies?

Spring is around the corner and soon we will be enjoying the green grass and new leaves unfolding. With that comes the pollen that causes so many people to suffer with seasonal allergies. Sneezing, itching, watery eyes, wheezing, coughing, headaches, mood swings, asthma attacks and even hives are all symptoms of an allergy sufferer. 

Allergies are more likely to occur when a person is deficient in nutrients, resulting in cell walls that are unstable and an easy target for allergens.  Vitamin C and bioflavonoids, especially quercetin, are very beneficial to allergy sufferers because they stabilize cell walls and inhibit the release of histamine. The GLA found in evening primrose oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory. Vitamin B complex is recommended as well, Vitamin B6 in particular has an antihistamine effect. 

If you are wanting to enjoy an allergy free, (or at the very least, a decrease in the severity of your allergies), Spring, don’t wait until the pollen flies. The time to prepare your system is now! The body needs time to shed its toxin reserves.  Living off of pharmaceuticals such as Reactin, Allegra, Aerius, Benadryl or Claritin to name a few, will  adds to toxin build up and can lead to an even stronger reaction to seasonal allergies the next year. Our bodies were not designed for the unfriendly environment, indoors and outdoors, that they are born into today. It’s no wonder there are so many allergy sufferers compared to years ago. It is important to rid your home of toxins as much as possible, but it’s even more important to rid your body of these same toxins. 

Let’s take a look at some natural options:

G20 DepuraSap: It is imperative to detoxify the liver and intestinal tract for longer term relief. The best results begin with G20 DepuraSap. G20 contains Birch Sap harvested exclusively in early spring which helps to cleanse the body of waste and toxins accumulated over time. As the sap rises through the tree it gains mineral content and energy from the tree itself, resulting in a living, organic liquid which serves to rejuvenate the body. Birch sap possesses diuretic and depurative properties, which explains its action on skin problems and diverse excess loads on the body.

All-GEM – Balances and strengthens the natural defences of the body against allergic reaction. If you prefer a pill, use Histablock which also strengthens natural defences. Either of these will be used in conjunction with G67 Rosmarinus to drain the Liver. Ideally you will sweep and clean the bowel with a product such as Clean Start, LBSII and/or Loclo. It is very important to have bowel support along with the Liver detoxification.  A two day liver cleanse that is recommended after a two week preparation with the above-mentioned products. To access the details of the liver cleanse, please contact us. 

If you suffer from very hot or itchy feet in conjunction with your allergies it is recommended to take a ½ teaspoon of Epsom salt every day for two weeks before you begin the liver cleanse. This is a sign of a plugged Biliary system and you will not have as much success if you do not open this up first.   

As with any detoxification process, Ion Cleansing will speed up your results and in the end, that’s all anyone wants is to see and feel results!

If you miss the window for cleansing and preparing, there are many safe alternatives to the over the counter drugstore antihistamines such as Respiractin, HistaBlock, All-GEM, Ribes Nigrum, Bio 84, BC-2(tissue salts). We here at Boyds can give you information on these products when requested. 

Smelly Feet and Armpits

  • Chlorophyll – 1 tablespoon in water daily
  • Silicea  is useful for smelly perspiration
  • Kali Phos(S-6) will help excessive perspiration due to nervousness and stress

Skin Rash natural relief

  • 1 Cup warm water
  • 15 drops Calendula oil                                                                                         
  • 10 drops each Camomile and Rosemary Oil
  • Apply directly with a soaked cloth onto red, itchy or sore skin to get quick relief! 
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